Treehouse Village: A Unique Blend of Nature and Comfort

Elevated Escapes in Our Tree House Village

Nestled in the tall Douglas Fir trees of the Columbia River Gorge, the Tree House Village at Skamania Lodge offers a unique and enchanting lodging experience. Our treehouses, cabins, and villas are designed to immerse you in the beauty of nature while providing all the comforts of modern living,

Book Your Stay in the Heart of Nature

Whether you choose the getaway of our treehouses, the rustic elegance of our cabins, the luxury of the Villa, or the unique charm of glamping, our Tree House Village offers an unforgettable experience. Book your stay today and prepare to be captivated by the natural beauty and tranquility of the Columbia River Gorge.

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Elevated above the forest ground and nestled inside the tall Douglas Fir trees of the Columbia River Gorge, a simple yet stunning aesthetic connects guests with the beauty of nature. Couples and families alike can reconnect to the idea of a creative childhood, when imaginations were thriving and days were filled with care-free playing outside and exploring tree houses.

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